Madame Marissa | Facesitting Videos

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Madame Marissa had asked her agent to find her some properties. But he went and found things which she did not like and yet she had gone out of her way to let him know the exact ones she wanted. He was shocked that she was keen and he begged for mercy and a second chance. He was given but after he was facesat on and humiliated by the mistress.

Madame Marissa was asked by her friend lady Nora to help her deal with her man because her man had been misbehaving. Madame Marissa agreed to do it and she helped her friend to facesit her man. They did it with jeans and it was painful as well as cruel. That is when he realized that he was dating a girl who was willing to do anything if she felt wronged.

Madame Marissa does not have time for unreasonable slaves. She feels like that is a waste of her time and it is a raw deal on her part. That is why she actively punishes people who are unreasonable. Today she did the same to her slave when he acted unreasonable. He regretted his decisions when she facesat him as well as crushed his face. He cried but she did not care.

Madame Marissa does not have time for forgetful people. And when she found out that her new slave was one, she knew it was up to her to teach him a lesson and so she punished him to make him do something about his forgetfulness. He was shocked at how she facesat him and choked him but it was a wakeup call and he went out of his way to guard against being forgetful again.

This guy was a pain in the butt for madame Marissa and she had tolerated him enough. He was always finding new ways of pissing her off and today she did not want to give him any space to do that. That is why she facesat on him and she choked him in the process until he peed and shit his own pants before she stopped. He never pissed her off again.

Madame Marissa wanted to facesit on this guy but he did not cooperate with her. She did not like how he was not cooperating with her. So she did something he did not expect. She used her boots to trample him and inflict a little pain on him. He was now obedient enough to do all she wanted him to do and that is how she easily facesat on him.

Madame Marissa does not believe in forgiveness. She believes in getting even. That way, there is mutual respect. She feels like forgiving someone makes you weak. And that is what she did to this loser. He had wronged her and she got back at him by facesitting on him. She was wearing her jeans and she also choked him in the process. When she was done, she farted on him before she left.

Madame Marissa wanted to diversify her punishment portfolio and today she wanted to try something she had not tried before. She scouted possible things she could do and she settled on jeans facesitting. She loved the idea as jeans being used for facesitting meant it would be painful and she would have fun at the same time. So she chose the toughest jeans she had and she readied herself for punishing her slave.

Madame Marissa was angry at the kind of work this contractor had done for her. He came demanding for money but she was so angry that she could not speak. As he kept demanding for money, she turned on him and she threw him down. The mistress facesat on him and she humiliated him a great deal. Madame Marissa then crushed his face as she facesat on him and she told him that was his payment.

Madame Marissa chose to dominate this loser using her sexy ass. She knew he could not resist it and she was bored. She had nowhere to go and nothing better to do so she chose to humiliate him to pass time. She facesat on him after lying to him that it would turn her on and that she would fuck his brains out. But the only thing that happened was that he was degraded and humiliated.

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